Crack sim city 3000 world edition (troppo vecchio per rispondere) Locatelli 2004-02-19 20:40:09 UTC. Come da oggeto cerco il crack per questo gioco, in particolare mi serve il NO CD crack che su internet non si trova Potete aiutarmi? Nicola 2004-02-19 20:42:31 UTC. I lost my cd key number for simcity 3000 unlimited can I get one anywere? Source(s): lost cd key number simcity 3000 unlimited anywere: 0 0. It states to contact a Game Advisor for a digital rendering of an older disc game (for newer platforms such as Windows 10) but nothing older than Sim City 4 is listed in 'first, choose a game'. I have the disc for 'Sim City 3000 Unlimited' but am having trouble with it now. DESCRIPTION OF SIMCITY 3000. SimCity 3000 is an economic game released in 1999 by Electronic Arts, Inc. The game was released for PC (Windows) and Macintosh. In the game, you play the mayor. Our task is to manage the city. We start the game on an empty area where we will develop our city. Go to the 'SimCity 3000 UnlimitedAppsResSound' directory and open 'audio.ini' with a text editor such as Notepad. I recommend creating a backup copy before editing this file in case you screw up. Scroll down to a section called Music.Look for the line;0x0a='Concrete Jungle',0,'Music3kp5m.xa',',0,1,0,1 and change;0x0a to 0x13.Next, look for a the line 0x0f='SimCity 2000.
SimCity 3000GamingCheats
SimCity 3000 and its Unlimited version are video games developed by EA Maxis, shortly after the acquisition of Maxis by EA, published in 1999 and 2000 respectively - and they do have a lot of secrets waiting to be uncovered by you.
Editorial note: SimCity 3000 Unlimited is also known as SimCity 3000 World Edition, SimCity 3000 Édition mondiale, SimCity 3000 Korea and SimCity 3000 Deutschland, and therefore only the “Unlimited” denomination will be used throughout this article.
While SimCity 3000 Unlimited featured a lot of new content like Terrain Edition before starting a new city, new buildings and landmarks, new disasters and new music, some other content was actually removed from the game.
Now, throughout this article I will show you many things that were removed and how to restore them.
Concrete Jungle (Unlimited/World Edition only)
SimCity 3000 Unlimited doesn’t officially feature the music “Concrete Jungle” by Jerry Martin and Marc Russo, not being listed amongst the tracks played in the settings. However, it’s included in the game files (all versions). The base game SimCity 3000 did have the track enabled in the settings.

Now, how to restore it back?
- Make a backup just in case.
- Go to SimCity 3000 Unlimited’s installation folder
- Go now to AppsResSound
- Open AUDIO.INI under a text editor, the latter running as Administrator
- Go to Line 512, and find
0x0a='Concrete Jungle',0,'Music3kp5.xa',',0,1,0,0
If it’s not0x0a
then find the line containing “Concrete Jungle” - At the end, replace
- Save the file
And now, when you start the game, it should now appear within the Preferences menu, and should now be able to play on the game.
SimCity 2000 Theme (both versions)
Now, there is another hidden music that’s in both versions of SimCity 3000 but always disabled.It’s the original SimCity 2000 Theme by Sue Kasper, Brian Conrad and Justin McCormick.
Now, to restore it back, there is a similar process to follow like “Concrete Jungle”
- Make a backup just in case.
- Go to SimCity 3000 Unlimited’s installation folder
- Go now to AppsResSound
- Open AUDIO.INI under a text editor, the latter running as Administrator
- Go to Line 512, and find
0x0f='SimCity 2000 Theme',0,'MusicSC2KBug.xa',',0,1,0,1
If it’s not0x0f
then find the line containing “SimCity 2000 Theme” - At the end, replace
- Save the file
After doing this, you should now be able to have the SimCity 2000 theme played in-game, just like Concrete Jungle.
SIM Broadway is another music track from SimCity 3000, composed and played by Jerry Martin, but for unknown reasons, was left out of the Unlimited release of the game.
Method 1: for versions of the game using a No-CD patch or the legit Good Old Games (GoG) version
You will first require a copy of the original SimCity 3000 game.
- Insert the SimCity 3000 CD-ROM into your CD reader.
- Go to SC3RESSoundMUSIC
- Copy
to your desktop - Eject the disk
- Move
to AppsResSoundMusic inside the SimCity 3000 Unlimited installation - Go back to AppsResSound
- Open AUDIO.INI under a text editor, the latter running as Administrator.
- Go to Line 512 again, and replace the entire [Music] paragraph by
This should also enable Concrete Jungle as well as the SimCity 2000 theme..
- Save the file.
Once you launch the game, all songs will be loaded and enabled within the game, and you will be able to listen to those missing music tracks once again :-)
Method 2: Absolute paths
If you have only a CD version of the game, you cannot edit the CD contents yourself (unless you ripped the CD, which is basically the same as Method 1 except that you need to copy it onto the disk, fortunately with the same folder structure) and therefore you will have to specify an absolute path for the music file of SIM Broadway.
You will first require a copy of the original SimCity 3000 game.
- Insert the SimCity 3000 CD-ROM into your CD reader.
- Go to SC3RESSoundMUSIC
- Copy
to your desktop - Eject the disk
- Go back to AppsResSound
- Open AUDIO.INI under a text editor, the latter running as Administrator.
- Go to Line 512 again, and replace the entire [Music] paragraph by
Now take a closer look at
You see the “PathIsAbsolute” parameter? You will then have to write:
by an absolute path to the3kg2.xa
And finally, save the audio.ini file.Once you start the game, the SIM Broadway music track should be back and playable.
Method 3: The Landmark method
This method is already well-known in the community, featured on Simtropolis and, and very well documented on the latter.
This method has the flaw of not being automatically triggered and you must disable the music feature of SimCity 3000 Unlimited to fully enjoy it.

As previously stated, SIM Broadway was pulled out from the Unlimited release, but was reintroduced again in SimCity DS, as the main menu music after reaching the 130K population cap. (Not the same as the Start theme of SimCity DS)It was then pulled out again from the SimCity DS 2 release. It seems EA has a love-hate relationship with that particular music.
Colored cursors
SimCity 3000 Unlimited for Mac has colored cursors, but the Windows version does not. Enabling it is very easy:
- Open the location of the shortcut to the game.
- Append its target to include
- Save the shortcut
Now, when you launch the game, and load a city, cursors should now be colored. However, on Windows, it’s been known to lag a lot, so if you need to remove the option then remove the -cursor:bmp
argument from the shortcut.
Windowed feature
All you need to do is to follow the same process as the cursors, but instead of appending -cursor:bmp
you just need to add -w
and the game will launch in a Window. Even when you relaunch the game from within, the game will still remain windowed. It’s known to be much faster than the fullscreen version and the only fix against lagging on Windows 7 and later.
Apart from the hidden music in SimCity 3000 Unlimited, there are also full-fledged easter eggs in the game.
Multiplayer mode
When opened in a hex editor, the game executable for SimCity 3000 contains strings for a possible multiplayer version of the game. It appears to have been scrapped early in development, but after the game revamp after SimCity 3000’s 1997 E3 failure.
Planet SIX AM
Crack No Cd Sim City 3000 World Edition Download
SIX AM is an anagram of “Maxis” actually spelled backwards. In a hidden string from the news ticker, again in the game executable, you can find TEXT TO REPLACEed Backwards Is SIX AM?
Funnily enough, SIX AM is the name of an alien planet on the Sims 3 (though released much later).
Launch Arcology
Arcologies were present in SimCity 2000 as an effective means of housing lots of population, and according to leftover strings in the game executable as well as IXF text strings in AppsResUIthey were meant to be there for the Unlimited version.The reason why there were scrapped is still unknown, but it’s present in the game code.

Simcity 3000 Cheats Pc
This is a flyover of the main SimCity 3000 hacks you can find, put them to good use for a better in-game experience!